Global GPR Services provides a non-destructive subsurface inspection of putting green construction, tees, fairways and other critical areas of a golf course using Ground Penetrating Radar. This technology allows us to locate and map drainage and map irrigation systems for restoration, repairs or golf course construction. This can save golf course superintendents and architects countless hours, as well as minimizing unnecessary damage to the greens, when drainage problems occur or remodeling is required. These targets can be marked on site in real time.
We are also able to take the subsurface data collected and map the location and depth of drainage and irrigations systems on your CAD site plan to update your as-builds for future reference. Other targets such as utilities, pipe junctions, underground drainage paths, voids and sink holes can also be identified and mapped. We can also provide 3D mapping of soil depth which can identify the thickness of different soil layers (sand, clay, etc.). This information can be invaluable when redesigning golf greens or analysis of problem areas.
During pre-construction of a golf course we use GPR to identify various soil layers, bedrock and other anomalies which may alter design considerations before excavation begins.
The USDA Agricultural Research Service has published a technical abstract research paper on their case study “Golf Course Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar” which may be viewed by clicking this link. If you are planning a Golf Course Drainage Project you can receive some helpful information from the USGA web site under “Turf Management”.